table discussion connect

Connections! Hui – Calling all Ethnic Therapists and Community Workers

table discussion connect

Shama Ethnic Women’s Trust and the Hon Priyanca Radhakrishnan, Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Ethnic Communities are co-hosting a national hui for ethnic (1) therapists and community workers(2).
This is a chance for people to come together and talk about how we can keep developing culturally appropriate support services to effectively prevent and respond to family violence and sexual violence in the ethnic communities of Aotearoa NZ. This is also an opportunity to strengthen connections between our communities and therapists.

Date: 20 July 2023
Time: 9am-5pm
Venue: Banquet Hall, Parliament

This hui is a space for ethnic people to discuss what works in our communities. We welcome participation from ethnic therapists, counsellors, community workers and leaders working with ethnic communities. You do not have to be experienced in working with survivors of family or sexual violence – you just have to care about creating a good service and building connections to support wellbeing. We want this hui to represent the diversity of our communities.
If you are interested in attending, please fill out our expression of interest (below). We have limited spaces, so your attendance will be confirmed. We have some funds available for travel, so please let us know if you need support to attend this hui in Wellington.

This event is for people of ethnic backgrounds to come together. The final session of the day will include a ‘feedback’ session that will be open to all interested parties including MPs, policy advisors and mainstream services. If you are interested in attending this part of the day, please email us to receive information about this, and have your name added to the list of attendees.

Follow this link to register:
Or email Juanita,, if you would like more information about this hui.

We are also interested in hearing from you if you can’t attend, but you are a therapist who is interested in working with us in a culturally responsive national service for ethnic survivors of sexual violence. Please email and talk with us!


1 Ethnic in this context includes migrants, former refugees, long-term settlers, and those born in New Zealand who identify their ethnicity as African, Asian, Continental European, Latin American and Middle Eastern.
2 By community workers we include all those volunteers and/or paid workers/leaders/members working in ethnic community groups or ethnic community organisations


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