Ethnic therapists and community workers from across Aotearoa met at the three Connections! Hui offered this year. The Connections! Hui began in 2019, as a cumulative approach by ethnic people to prevent and respond to sexual violence in our communities. It has continued as a means by which we can all stay in touch with the progress and challenges in this space.
In March this year, Shama hosted the Connections! Hui alongside the Hon. Marama Davidson, Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence and Sexual Violence. The focus was on the progress achieved since the 2019 hui. We came together to answer the questions: what has happened? What still needs to happen?
Read the letter/report sent to the Minister
Read the Minister response.

In June, we met and explored the 6 ‘shifts’ to eliminate family violence and sexual violence in New Zealand, outlined in Te Aorerekura, from an ethnic perspective. Find the report here
Finally we met in September again, in this session we explored prevention of sexual and family violence projects already underway in ethnic communities. We had the opportunity to hear from Muslim community groups, ethnic rainbow organisations, youth programmes and more. Between the groups they have taken various strategies from developing resources to poster campaigns to art projects within their communities. This was a unique opportunity for us to hear what is working for some ethnic groups and collectively reflect on: would this work in my community? How or what would I have to do differently?
Watch the video of the hui here